Counselling is a therapeutic approach which aims to help people cope with life’s stresses and difficulties. It can be helpful for individuals struggling with a variety of psychological and emotional issues such as depression, anxiety, addictions and low self-esteem.

Counselors are trained to listen and support you in the process of resolving your problems. They use their knowledge of the human mind and body to help you understand your difficulties, identify specific patterns of behaviour that may contribute to your current distress, and explore ways of finding solutions. Counselling is not a magic bullet and will require an active contribution from you. However, the results are often life changing.

Your first counselling session is usually an opportunity to discuss what difficulties you are experiencing and how these are impacting on your life, and what you hope to achieve from your counselling. It can be difficult to bring up these difficult topics in the first session, but it’s important that your counsellor gets an understanding of what is troubling you and how your thoughts work.

The counselor will typically ask you open questions to get a full picture of your situation and the reason you have decided to seek help. They will also talk about your background and family history to gain a greater understanding of what has led you to this point. A good counselor will build a beneficial relationship with you and demonstrate empathy at all times. They will also clarify their confidentiality policy.