Family mediation is a process that allows you to work with a trained professional to resolve issues associated with separation, divorce or non-marital cohabitation. The aim is to reduce conflict and enable you to move on. It is often much faster, cheaper and more flexible than going to court, and it is usually possible to come to an agreement that works for both parties.

Unlike the court process, which is based on legal rights and entitlements, mediation is focused solely on achieving a practical solution that is suitable to your individual needs and circumstances. The mediator will encourage you to consider a range of options and to look beyond the legal aspects of your dispute. For example, you may need to seek tax advice or a pension expert to assess value and income and you might also decide that you would benefit from talking to a child therapist or parenting coach.

All discussions in mediation are confidential. The mediator can talk to both of you at the same time or use a system called ‘shuttle mediation’ where you are separated into different rooms and the mediator moves between you to facilitate discussion. Whatever the arrangements are, the mediator will write them up in a memorandum of understanding which you and your ex-partner will both get copies of.

We help clients resolve disagreements about all kinds of family issues, including divorce, separation, parenting plans, contact arrangements, child support, spousal support, property division and debt responsibility. It is not uncommon for a financial agreement to be reached during the mediation process itself.