Picnik Features


One of the great features of Picnik is the use of special effects. Many visitors prefer Picnik for its unique approach to this addictive and sometimes time consuming tool. When you see the various effects that you can bring to your photo, you will likely spend hours going through some of your favorite photographs and putting them to the Picnik test. Automated photo editing enables you to work fast, but therein lies part of the problem. It’s so fast that it is addictive and easy to blow hours at a time just seeing what your imagination can come up with. This translates to a lot of fun, but not much productivity. Picnik is especially great for working with individual images one at a time.


Clipapic Features


The team at Clipapic considers their site “photo editing by hand,” because of all the unique customizations that you can add to your favorite photographs. One of the particularly great features of Clipapic that you cannot get with Picnik is the bulk image editing feature that will allow you to edit more than one photo at a time. This is very useful if you have a lot of pictures that you would like to put on Facebook, but not enough time to deal with each one individually. Everything at Clipapic is done by hand in Photoshop, one of the most efficient photo editing software tools in the world. At Clipapic you never have to worry about jagged edges or any other issues with the images because they are redone free of charge should any occur. Clipapic’s friendly and professional service sets it apart from others in the field.


Whichever photo editing site that you choose to handle your pictures, make sure that you know the level of work involved and expected from you. While Picnik automates the process and Clipapic takes the “by hand” approach, both are great at what they do for you and bring to your precious memories. Consider the advantages of both and go with what works best for you.Photo Cutout Service