A replacement roof for your conservatory can make a significant difference to the space and the comfort of your home. The right roof will prevent unwanted condensation and draughts, as well as help you regulate the temperature. It can also improve the energy efficiency of your home and reduce your heating costs in the long run.

Solid Tiled Roofs are the Perfect Solution

A solid tiled roof is a great way to upgrade your conservatory. It will transform it into a space that you can use throughout the year. This will ensure that your conservatory stays warm in winter and cool in summer – making it an excellent extension to your property and a useful living space for you and your family.

Metrotile Lightweight Tiles Are Almost 8 Times Lighter than Traditional Roof Tiles

If you’re considering a conservatory roof replacement then it’s important to choose a lightweight option. This will allow your new roof to be installed without compromising the look of your home or the security of the original structure.

Our lightweight solid tiles are available in a wide range of colours, meaning that you can choose the best one to match your existing decor. They’re also incredibly durable, so you can enjoy a solid roof that will last for years to come and won’t break down in the face of harsh weather conditions.

Glass Roofs Can Provide A Stunning Sense of the Outdoor World

Our bespoke glass roofs can add elegance to any style of conservatory, so they’re a great choice if you want to brighten up your room and bring nature inside. They’ll also filter out noise and protect your room from the elements, so you can enjoy an insulated space all year round.

Atlas Roofs Bridge the Gap Between an Orangery and a Conservatory

Our Atlas glass roof is the perfect solution if you want to connect your conservatory with an orangery. It allows natural light to flood into your conservatory, making it an ideal place to relax, dine and entertain.

SupaLite Warm Roofs Are the Best Insulation

SupaLite warm roofs are a great option for those who are looking to replace their current conservatory. They’re a market-leading product that’s been developed to deliver the benefits of a solid roof with the aesthetics of a glass one. They’re fully ventilated to prevent moisture ingress and feature a wide range of thermal and structural standards.