A drinking fountain that dispenses wine instead of water may sound like the stuff of fantasy, but it’s actually a thing. Located along a popular religious pilgrimage trail in Italy, the wine fountain – known as ‘Fontana del Vino’ in Caldari di Ortona city – has been bringing visitors’ dreams to reality since it opened earlier this month.

The fountain was created by Dora Sarchese Vineyard, in partnership with a non-profit group that promotes the Cammino di San Tommaso, or Way of St. Thomas, a 194-mile trek that Catholics take to honor Saint Thomas the Apostle. The route passes by the town of Ortona, where the basilica that houses what are said to be the relics of Saint Thomas are located. To entice those taking the long walk, the non-profit group and the vineyard worked together to create a fountain that dispenses wine from the local Montepulciano d’Abruzzo grape.

According to the vineyard’s Facebook page, the wine is available for free from the fountain, which was built in an old wooden barrel, and has already brought in a lot of visitors. Unlike many other European wine fountains that only pour during events and special occasions, this one is open to the public, and visitors can stop by whenever they wish, according to the vineyard’s Facebook post.

While the fountain only dispenses wine, it is expected to expand in the future. In addition to a larger, permanent structure for the fountain, there are plans to include a restaurant and shop where people can visit to sample more of the area’s local wines, as well as wine that is produced elsewhere in the country.

A similar fountain has been in operation on the Cammino di Santiago de Compostela for a few years now. The wine-dispensing fountain is part of a project to help make the trip more appealing to modern day hikers, which has become increasingly popular as young people take up the challenge and seek out a different kind of spiritual adventure.

While a wine bottle fountain might seem out of place in your average home garden, it can be easy to design and put together on your own. Using empty glass or metallic bottles and a fountain pump, you can easily make a fountain that will be the centerpiece of your yard. The most important step is drilling holes in the bottles, and the best way to do that is to use a diamond bit. This tool is perfect for cutting glass, granite, and marble. You can find these types of bits at most hardware stores or online, and they are inexpensive.

When drilling, be sure to wear protective glasses and gloves to avoid injury. After all, drilling heats up the glass and can cause it to crack if you force it too hard. Once the bottles are drilled, you can start to make the fountain layout, and then add a fountain pump and tubing to your creation. Make sure you follow the instructions that come with your fountain pump, and make sure to seal your tubing with aquarium grade sealant.