The aftermath of a car accident can be stressful and confusing. A New York auto accident lawyer can help you get through it by handling the day-to-day work of your case. This can include filing lawsuits, dealing with insurance companies, and collecting evidence for your claim. Let a seasoned attorney take care of your legal affairs so you can focus on healing from your injuries.

Injured victims often need financial compensation to pay for medical bills, cover their lost wages, and compensate them for property damage. An experienced New York car accident attorney can determine the full extent of your damages and fight to recover the maximum amount you deserve.

Many car accidents result in severe and long-lasting injuries. These injuries can lead to emotional distress and other psychological issues such as mood swings and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). An experienced lawyer can seek compensatory damages for these non-economic damages.

Insurance companies are tasked with protecting their profits, which often means paying out as little as possible to settle claims. With an experienced auto accident lawyer by your side, you can ensure that the insurance company offers a fair settlement for your claim.

Regardless of who is at fault for the accident, every injured victim in New York is entitled to No-Fault benefits which are designed to promptly pay medical/health expenses, lost income, and certain other reasonable and necessary expenses related to an automobile crash. Additionally, a New York car accident lawyer can file a lawsuit against an uninsured or under-insured driver to obtain full compensation for a client’s losses.