An Electrical Panel Upgrade can be a daunting project. It can cost thousands of dollars and take months to complete. It can also uncover other issues that need to be addressed such as ungrounded outlets in your house, a faulty meter or outside mast and more.

But there are certain situations where this type of home improvement is absolutely worth it. Upgrading your electrical panel will not only make sure that you are up to code and safe, it will ensure a constant flow of electricity throughout the home without any flickering lights or constantly tripping breakers. It will also allow you to add more appliances to your home without worrying about them tripping the breaker or blowing fuses.

If you are adding a new hot tub, an HVAC system, a solar panel unit or any other device that requires a 240v circuit then it’s definitely time to consider a panel upgrade. This is because your old fuse box or breaker box will not be able to handle the additional power load. A professional electrician can determine the best amperage capacity to meet your home’s needs.

Another situation where a residential electrical panel upgrade is necessary is when your current system is over 20 years old. This is because over the course of four decades, there have been a lot of technological advances. Many older systems will not be able to keep up and may experience dangerous failures or overheating. It’s best to have the panel upgraded before something goes wrong.

Upgrading your electrical panel can be one of the most important home improvements you’ll ever make. It will not only keep your family safe, it will also increase the value of your property. If you’re thinking of selling your home in the future, having a newer panel will be a huge draw for potential buyers.

A well-functioning electrical panel is the foundation of a well-functioning home. And while you might be able to get away with an outdated panel for quite some time, eventually, it will begin to cause problems that could put your home at risk of fires and other disasters.

The best way to avoid these dangers is to have an experienced electrician inspect your breaker box and recommend the appropriate amperage for your home. This will guarantee that you won’t have any power surges or outages that can damage your appliances and even cause a fire. And while the investment might seem high, it’s far less expensive than the costs of a fire or other disaster. So if you’re ready to start living safer and enjoy your home more, call Hawkeye Electric today for a residential electrical panel upgrade! Our team of professionals can do it all for you. Just give us a call or schedule an appointment online. Our electricians will be more than happy to assist you! We look forward to hearing from you soon.