The use of packaging to protect and preserve goods is a key part of modern business. Industrial packaging is not only used to keep products safe and secure, it’s also a vital component of efficient logistics and supply chain management. Whether shipping goods or products, storing items in warehouses or delivering them to consumers, the right type of packaging can save time, money and resources. In addition, choosing the right industrial packaging can help build brand familiarity and loyalty through high-quality printing and graphics.

One of the most important differences between consumer and industrial packaging is that the primary purpose of industrial packaging is to safely move goods between points. This means that durability is a critical factor in industrial packaging, as any damage during shipment or storage can have an immediate impact on the bottom line. The best industrial packaging is strong and durable enough to withstand the Edge Crush Test and Mullen test, as well as a wide range of temperatures and environments.

For food manufacturers, the right industrial packaging is essential to keeping their products fresh. Different food packaging is designed for specific climates and consistencies, and it can also contain anti-contaminants to prevent microbes or chemicals from affecting the taste or quality of the packaged food. Similarly, oil and lubricant containers are often designed with features such as seals and closures to ensure that leaks and spills do not occur during transportation or storage.

Industrial packaging is a necessity for many industries, including manufacturing, distribution, retail and wholesale. These businesses depend on efficient and sustainable logistics and supply chains to efficiently store, handle and transport goods. Using the right industrial packaging can help businesses achieve these goals, while also protecting their investments and improving overall customer satisfaction.

Efficient logistics and supply chain management are crucial for success in the e-commerce industry, and industrial packaging is an integral component of this process. In fact, research shows that the selection of packaging can have a direct impact on logistics and supply chain performance. Industrial packaging can reduce handling, warehousing and transportation costs by reducing product damage and spoilage during transit. It can also ensure that products arrive at their destinations in perfect condition, which can help increase sales and strengthen a brand’s reputation.

In addition to boosting supply chain efficiency, industrial packaging can help companies reduce their environmental impact. By using fewer natural resources, industrial packaging can decrease waste and greenhouse gas emissions. Furthermore, it can promote recycling by offering a versatile and flexible material that can be reused multiple times.

In terms of methodology, case studies and theoretical models are the most commonly used methodologies in industrial packaging articles. These methods have been applied to 80% of the sampled articles, which suggests that there is a preference for exploratory and theory-building research. However, the most recent category to emerge – ‘Environment and sustainability’ – has shown rapid growth, suggesting that there is increasing interest in this topic among researchers. This trend may be a result of growing pressure from governmental entities, the market and supply chain partners to improve greener logistics.