We live in an era where we’re connected through smartphones, tablets, computers and routers that are constantly transmitting data. And that data isn’t just text and images — it also includes personal information like credit card numbers, social security numbers and addresses. All of that data needs to be protected from hackers who are constantly looking for ways to gain access and steal that information. Enter cybersecurity, the field that stands guardian of our digital world.

It’s easy to see why cyber security is so important — without it, you could lose customers due to a breach of their personal information and even your business could be shut down because of the loss of critical information. That’s why it’s so crucial to have a robust cybersecurity system that protects your people, processes and technology all at once.

The first step to a strong cybersecurity system is ensuring all of your systems are properly configured, patched and updated to minimize risk of breaches. This is a key part of the overall cybersecurity strategy, but not something that can be accomplished alone — you must invest in regular cybersecurity risk assessments to find and resolve any vulnerabilities that may be present.

There are a lot of technical skills that go into being a successful cybersecurity professional. The good news is, many of these skills are highly transferable from other technical fields. As such, professionals from areas like financial and risk analysis and security intelligence are well-positioned to jump into the cybersecurity world with ease. MDR