Yoga is a practice that can help improve your physical health and mental well-being. But it’s not just about exercise and relaxation; a good yoga class is also meant to connect you with your breath and build community. While there’s a lot to be said for the community that you form at a yoga studio, more and more people are choosing to practice yoga online.

One of the biggest benefits of practicing yoga online is that you can practice at a time that’s convenient for you. This flexibility makes it easier to stick with your yoga practice, especially if you’re a parent with a busy schedule or a frequent traveller who doesn’t always have the luxury of getting to a local studio.

In addition to a flexible scheduling, you can also find classes taught by world-renowned teachers. YogaGlo, for instance, has live-streaming classes via Zoom with instructors such as Kino Macgregor, Kristin McGee and Koya Webb. There’s also a library of on-demand classes, challenges, programs and lifestyle content to further strengthen your practice.

When you’re a beginner, it’s important to have the guidance of an experienced teacher. They can spot your mistakes and make sure that you’re doing poses correctly. This is particularly helpful if you’re not used to doing yoga, or if you have an injury.

You can also learn from experts from different parts of the world through online yoga classes. These instructors often have a strong following and can build a sense of community among their followers through their social media accounts, which means that you’ll feel like you are part of a global yoga family.

Another benefit of taking yoga classes online is that it’s less intimidating for newbies. You won’t have to worry about judging other students in the same room as you or feeling out of place because you’re not dressed in a traditional yogi outfit. Plus, you can practice in the comfort of your own home, without having to worry about the temperature of the room or whether your neighbor’s cat is going to annoy you.

When considering online yoga, it’s worth clarifying what your goals are. Different classes will speak to you in different ways, and some may be more suited to your current state of mind and body than others. For example, if you’re stressed out, a gentle hatha class will probably be more appropriate than an intense power flow. Also, consider whether you’d prefer to practice in a group or alone. You can find both online and offline yoga groups, but some people find it more motivating to attend live classes in a physical space with other members