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Baby gear is a big area where you can go overboard with the “must-haves.” Many items end up collecting dust or in a donation pile before your little one outgrows them. To avoid this, smart minimalist moms-to-be focus on what they actually need for their baby and skip the items that will only be used for a short period of time.

When it comes to baby clothes, choose items that are versatile and long-lasting, such as bodysuits and footsie PJs. These can be worn by your baby throughout the first year of life and can be sold on online later (if you don’t use them). Also consider asking for a few packs of cloth wipes. You’ll need these if you’re breastfeeding and will save money in the long run over buying disposable wipes.

Minimalist Moms-to-be should also ask for a few bottles in both 4 and 8 oz sizes. This will allow you to try different brands and see what your baby likes the best. This will help you avoid having to rewash bottles often while your nipples are healing.

For bigger items, be sure to look for convertible options that will last through multiple growth spurts. For example, a stroller that goes from infant seat to toddler and can also convert into a bassinet is a great choice. Similarly, a baby carrier will be useful for skin-to-skin bonding, running errands, and traveling. Minimalist baby registry