Kratom is a powerful herb that can be dangerous in the wrong hands. CDC reports show that calls to poison centers about kratom use have included agitation or irritability, seizures, tachycardia, and central nervous system depression.

When consuming kratom, it’s important to drink lots of water. Dehydration is a common sign of overdose.

Mood Enhancement

Mitragyna speciosa, or kratom, is used for centuries as a mild stimulant to boost energy and improve mood. But at higher doses, it has sedative effects similar to opiates, with some users reporting pain relief. The plant is not regulated, which can leave consumers unknowing of where the drug is coming from or whether it might be laced with other substances.

High doses of kratom can lead to dependence and addiction, with some users experiencing withdrawal symptoms. A study published in the American Journal of Emergency Medicine found tachycardia, altered mental state, seizures and central nervous system depression among kratom-related calls to a regional poison center.

A single injection of kratom alkaloid reduced FST immobility time in rats, suggesting antidepressant-like properties (Kumarnsit et al., 2007a). The same study also reported no change in DFosB expression, an indicator of adrenergic or dopaminergic neurotransmission, in response to either low or high-dose kratom.

Despite being considered an herbal remedy, kratom has been linked to 91 opioid-related deaths between 2016 and 2017. But a report in the American Journal of Emergency Medicine noted that most of the victims had other drugs in their systems at the time of death, making it difficult to link kratom use to the cause of the overdoses. Moreover, experts stress that more research is needed to determine safe dosages.

Pain Relief

Many users say that kratom helps to relieve pain from conditions like fibromyalgia and arthritis. They also report that it reduces anxiety and depression symptoms. However, more rigorous deep-dive research is needed to understand kratom’s risks and benefits.

One of the main alkaloids in kratom is mitragynine, which binds to receptor systems in the brain and creates stimulant effects. Another, 7-OH-mitragynine, binds to opioid receptors in the brain and creates pain-reducing effects. It isn’t clear exactly how kratom works to help with pain, but it appears to be safe for most people when taken in appropriate doses.

The drug is unregulated and under-researched, and it’s difficult to know what constitutes a low or high dosage. It’s also unknown whether kratom interacts with other drugs or supplements, including medications used to treat mental disorders, such as benzodiazepines, stimulants and opioids.

Kratom’s sedative effects can make it dangerous to take with other drugs, and it may increase the risk of seizures in some people. It may also cause respiratory depression, which can prevent your body from getting enough oxygen. Pregnant women and breastfeeding women should avoid kratom. Also, if you have a mental disorder, it might worsen your symptoms and increase the risk of suicide.

Digestive Comfort

A kratom user’s experience with the drug varies depending on dosage and desired effects. Some users say they use kratom to boost energy and feel more alert, while others report feelings of euphoria or pain relief. The drug is derived from the Mitragyna speciosa plant and can be ingested as leaves or made into pills, tablets or powder. It is often marketed as a legal herbal remedy or supplement.

Some long-term kratom use can cause digestive side effects, including nausea, stomach upset and constipation. The drug can also lead to weight loss and anorexia nervosa, which can be fatal. Kratom may also lead to a hormonal imbalance in women, such as abnormal elevations of the pituitary hormone prolactin. This can lead to changes in menstrual cycles, breast milk production and infertility.

According to the Drug Enforcement Administration, more research is needed to understand kratom’s effectiveness and risks. However, some say the DEA’s plan to schedule the substance — which would make it illegal in most states — will make it difficult to conduct high-quality studies.

While kratom has been used for centuries in Southeast Asia, it is relatively new to the United States. Many people use it as a replacement for prescription opioids, and many kratom users experience withdrawal symptoms when they stop taking the drug. If you think you or someone you know is struggling with kratom addiction, reach out to a rehab center to learn more about treatment options. Inpatient rehab can provide more intensive care, and may improve your chances of making a full recovery. kratom capsules


As a natural herb, kratom is absorbed by the digestive tract and passes through into the bloodstream. Because of this, it’s more readily available to the body in higher doses than would be possible with a pill. This helps kratom produce a more sustained, longer-lasting effect.

At higher doses, kratom’s two main chemical components (mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine) bind to opioid receptors in the brain to create effects similar to morphine. These sedating properties help to alleviate chronic pain.

In lower doses, kratom acts more as a stimulant. It can boost energy levels, increase physical activity and make people talkative and alert. It can also suppress the appetite and reduce cravings. In fact, it has been shown in animal studies to decrease corticosterone levels, a hormone associated with depression.

Kratom can be a dangerous drug, however, especially when mixed with other substances or used by people who are not familiar with the substance. Overdoses can result in death. It’s best to use kratom only under the supervision of a healthcare professional.

While kratom is an increasingly popular substance in the United States, the FDA warns that the plant and its two primary chemical components have not been scientifically proven as safe or effective for any medical condition. It’s important to remember that even though kratom isn’t an opioid, it can still interact with opioid-like medications and cause side effects such as vomiting, confusion and liver damage.