in store marketing aims to engage customers, improve their shopping experience and boost product sales. It combines a number of marketing strategies into a holistic approach to create business outcomes that will leave your accountants salivating. For fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) brands especially, in store marketing is an efficient way to upsell and cross-sell products to consumers.

But with so many different marketing and advertising messages competing for a shoppers attention, it can be difficult to get noticed. If your brand isn’t remembered or isn’t engaging with customers, it might be time to spruce up your brick-and-mortar strategy.

Despite the hype around digital and direct-to-consumer channels, 80% of shopping still happens in stores. And for FMCG brands looking to take market share, there is a lot to be gained from a sharpened in-store strategy.

In-store campaigns can take a number of forms, but a few key tactics include the use of interactive touchscreens to showcase your brand in a unique and memorable way, the promotion of user-generated content and testimonials from existing customers, the organization of events and contests and loyalty cards that reward customers for their purchases.

Using a robot like Tokinomo to interact with your customers in a safe and slick manner is also an excellent way to engage with and promote your products. It allows your customers to make their own decisions without having to risk health concerns with human contact and it can even help them with the restocking of their favorite products.