Every TV has a variety of settings that are configured at the factory. These settings stay the same unless they are changed, but many different things can change them and cause your TV to behave differently.

Most modern TV’s have a backlight setting that is designed to be the most energy-efficient. This setting reduces the amount of brightness, but at the cost of a little picture detail. This is good for energy savings, but some people don’t like it because the picture can sometimes look flat and washed out. The good news is that you can turn this setting off if you want your TV to be brighter and have more detail.

Some TV’s have a ‘Vivid’ or ‘Dynamic’ picture mode that tends to look better than the standard picture mode. However, this mode uses more power than the other options and can also wear out the LED’s in the TV faster.

If your TV has a ‘Vivid’ or similar mode, it is recommended that you use the Standard or Energy Saving picture modes. These modes will save you money on your electricity bill while still providing a very good picture.

Most newer TV’s have a motion smoothing feature that tries to prevent a phenomenon known as judder by interpolating between video frames. Unfortunately, this can make the image seem blurry or overly sharp. The best solution for this is to disable the motion smoothing, but some TV’s combine this with blur reduction, and you can’t turn one off without turning the other off.

Another common issue with TV’s is that the picture can seem too dark. This is often caused by the TV being located too close to a light source. It can also be caused by glare from a window or direct sunlight hitting the screen. Fortunately, this can usually be fixed by moving the TV away from the light source or adjusting the screen’s brightness.

If the volume on your TV sounds low even when it is set to its highest level, there could be a problem with its internal speaker or sound amplifier. If this is the case, you’ll need to replace or repair it.

A faulty audio output circuit can also cause the volume on your TV to be too low. You can test this by increasing and decreasing the TV’s audio volume to see if it responds as expected. If it doesn’t, or if the volume is erratic, you’ll need to get this repaired by a professional.

A TV wall mount that is not level can make your television’s picture look crooked. This can be a very noticeable issue if your TV is on the wall in a large room. If this is the case, you can try installing a post-install level adjustment screw to fix the issue. If this doesn’t work, you might need to move your TV to a different location or consider purchasing a drop down TV lift such as the TY-05-40 to easily lower your TV when not in use. lowering TV’s