A warrant is a derivative that gives the right, but not the obligation to buy or sell an underlying security. Warrants are generally more expensive than options, and they typically have longer expiration timelines. They are often attached to other securities, such as bonds or preferred stock.

InnovateOhio’s eWarrants is a shared information technology system free for law enforcement and courts in all 88 counties that streamlines the process of entering warrant and protection order information into national databases. This improved consistency and centralized database improves the thoroughness, accuracy, and timeliness of submissions to LEADS and the National Crime Information Center and enhances situational awareness for law enforcement across Ohio.

The eWarrant solution allows officers to use any internet connected device to log in and instantly generate a warrant. The eWarrant then automatically sends to the judge for review and approval. This helps to save officer work hours that would otherwise be used processing paperwork and allows them to focus on catching criminals. It also provides an audit trail to ensure the correct procedures are followed and that proper judicial oversight is always present.

Ultimately, the police department that utilizes this ewarrant solution saves countless hours and days of unplanned overtime spent processing paperwork. This allows the police department to better allocate officers to where they need to be, which ultimately decreases crime. It also protects a suspect’s constitutional rights by making sure that the right procedure is always followed and that there is proper judicial oversight. Ewarrants