If you’ve been arrested for a DWI offense in Minnesota, you may feel uncertain how to proceed. This is a very serious charge, one that requires expert guidance. You need to find Minnesota DWI lawyers to help you navigate the maze of legal questions. Otherwise, you could be making some big mistakes, such as:

Deciding to do it alone.

It’s essential to hire an attorney. Many people make the mistake of thinking they can represent themselves on these charges. It is indeed a big error. Even if you had a blood alcohol content over the legal limit, you still have options, but you need the expert help of a Minnesota DWI law firm.

Hiring “any” attorney.

Maybe you have a family attorney that helps with legal matters such as wills, etc. While your attorney is undoubtedly extremely competent, you need someone who is an expert in criminal defense, especially defense of DWI charges. Find a Minnesota DWI law firm that specialize in DWI defense and has the resources necessary to investigate and research the arrest and charges filed against you.

Trying to save money in lawyer fees.

Many people think the expense of attorney fees is simply too prohibitive. What they don’t realize is that the expenses of unsuccessfully defending a DWI arrest will be far more costly. Consider the fines you’ll have to pay, the lost wages, jail time, and increased insurance fees. A Minnesota DWI law firm will likely save you money in the long run.

Being passive.

It’s always disconcerting to be arrested and charged with a DWI, but you still need to take an active part in your defense. Start by calling Minnesota DWI lawyers as soon as possible following the arrest. Share all the details of the arrest and following procedures with your attorney. Ask questions of your attorney whenever you don’t understand something. This is an important defense and requires your active involvement.

Being inflexible.

Your attorney will give you great advice about your case. Sometimes, he or she will suggest accepting a reduction of charges or punishment. Remember that your Minnesota DWI lawyers are experts. They know the court system, the judges and the prosecuting attorneys and will make recommendations based on that experience, and their opinion of what is in your best interest.

Before you become overwhelmed by the DWI charges, seek out the advice of a Minnesota DWI law firm. You’ll better understand your options and how you can move forward. Your Minnesota DWI lawyers will help you make the best of this situation and before long, this incident will be a distant memory.

Doug V. Hazelton is an experienced DUI Defense Attorney, who for has successfully handled hundreds of criminals cases. He is a member of Hennepin County and Minnesota Bar associations. Attorney Hazelton is a graduate of the National College for DUI Defense conducted at Harvard Law School and was named a Member of the College in 1997. He was named Minnesota’s National Delegate to the College in 2006. In addition to lecturing on DUI/DWI-related topics locally and nationally, his articles have been published in numerous publications including Criminal Defense Techniques (Matthew Bender), Criminal Constitutional Law (Matthew Bender), the Police Misconduct and Civil Rights Law Report (Clark Boardman). He is a contributing editor for the Minnesota DWI Deskbook and he is slated to publish the 2008 Thomson West DWI Law Practice Book. best personal injury lawyer