Accountants are well-compensated professionals that offer valuable financial information and analysis. They can work for companies of all sizes, in the public or private sector. They may specialize in a particular field or industry, and some choose to operate their own firms.

According to the 2021 Robert Half Salary Guide, accountant salaries are steadily climbing. With many of the repetitive tasks automated out of existence, accounting and finance professionals must be able to provide strategic problem-solving and critical thinking skills in order to thrive and remain in demand.

Salaries differ by region. Those in the New York area can expect to earn more than the national average, which stands at $86,320. These figures can also fluctuate depending on a candidate’s education and experience levels, as well as whether they choose to earn additional certifications such as the Certified Public Accountant (CPA) or Certified Management Accountant (CMA).

While some may find a junior accountant salary too low, it is worth noting that these professionals typically do not receive commissions or bonuses. Instead, they tend to be offered a base salary that may include group health insurance and retirement plan contributions. In some cases, these employees can also get reimbursement for their costs associated with earning professional certifications like the CPA, CIA or CMA. Choosing to advance one’s career with further education or professional certification isn’t always an easy decision, but it can lead to higher earnings and more lucrative job opportunities. Accountant salary guide